2016 Holiday Party for a Purpose
Last year we gathered over 50 gifts for kids for Christmas! This year we are going to raise money for our brand new non-profit the Healing Hands Foundation.
The Healing Hands Foundation helps cover the cost of massage for those who are in severe pain and cannot afford it.
A FREE Year of Massage Raffle Drawing will be happening near the end of the night. We will also have a silent auction and a 50/50 with a twist. Come enjoy free food & great company!
Raffle Tickets- $10 each, 3/$25 or 13/$100
We need sponsors!
Our Sponsors
Kemp, Schaeffer & Rowe Law Firm
Routte Law ~ Estate Planning & Business Law
5 Bean Coffee
First Service Federal Credit Union
Sara’a Sewing Shed
Rooster’s Pickerington
Kristal & Forche Orthodontics
Lisa Boyer