15 Warning Signs From Your Body

You Should Never Ignore if You’re Over 50

Plenty of people over the age of 50 are living out the happiest years of their life. With that said, you’re familiar with how it feels to get older — and you know by now that those daily creaks, aches, and pains are probably here to stay.

You should keep in mind, however, that just because you may not be as agile as you once were doesn’t mean every slight issue you’re experiencing is normal. Your body may be sending you warning signs that disease — or even death — is in your near future. Here are the signs you should never ignore, especially if you’re older than 50.

1. Your handwriting gets smaller

What it could be: Parkinson’s disease

Have you analyzed your handwriting lately? Healthline explains Parkinson’s disease affects around 500,000 people in the U.S. each year, and it’s a movement disorder first starting in your brain. When neurons in the brain start to die, that’s when Parkinson’s sets in — and you may notice some strange symptoms, like shrinking handwriting.

The next time you’re writing something down, take a look. Some people with Parkinson’s in the early stages will notice they start out writing normally and their handwriting gets smaller as they continue.


2. Your teeth are worn down

What it could be: Acid reflux

Certain foods and drinks can wear down your teeth, but that’s not all. Reader’s Digest explains acid reflux can seriously damage your teeth — and you may not even know you have it. Evan Dellon, M.D., tells Reader’s Digest, “I often get referrals from dentists with patients who don’t feel heartburn or other reflux symptoms, but their teeth enamel is completely worn down.”Other warning signs of acid reflux include a sore throat that seemingly never goes away, wheezing, coughing, and a bad taste in your mouth.

3. You suddenly start snoring

What it could be: Heart disease

It seems harmless, but snoring can actually indicate you’re going to have major heart problems in the near future. Science Daily explains research from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit found snoring may put you at a greater risk for thickening or abnormalities in the arteries than having excess fat or high cholesterol.

No matter if you’ve just started snoring or you’ve been a long-time snorer, you should seek treatment. Snoring can cause sleep apnea, which has long been linked to cardiovascular disease — the No. 1 killer in the U.S.