The amount of pressure applied during a massage is ultimately up to the individual receiving the massage. Some people prefer deep pressure in order to work out knots and tension, while others find that lighter pressure is more relaxing. If you find that the pressure isn’t deep enough during your massage, there are a few things you can do. First, you can communicate with your therapist and let them know that you would like more pressure. Most therapists are happy to oblige and will apply more pressure as long as it isn’t causing you discomfort. You can also try deep breathing and focusing on your relaxation in order to release any tightness in your muscles. By letting go of tension, you may find that the therapist is able to apply deeper pressure. Lastly, if you are receiving a Swedish massage, you can ask the therapist to use firmer strokes. Swedish massages typically involve longer, gentler strokes, but deeper pressure can be applied if desired. Ultimately, it is important to communicate with your therapist and let them know what will help you relax and feel your best.

Pressure Isn’t Deep Enough. What do I do?

2022-05-06T09:49:39-04:00May 6th, 2022|Categories: FAQ|Tags: , |

The Pressure Isn't Deep Enough. What Do I Do? Have you ever had a massage therapist who just didn't quite go deep enough? It can be frustrating, especially when you're feeling tight and need relief. So, what's the right pressure

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