How To Relieve Groin Pain & Strain- Best Treatments

We’re talking about groin muscles today, specifically the adductor muscles in our inner thighs. These include the adductor longus, brevis, magnus, and the gracilis muscle. These muscles help us move, walk, and run. When they’re unhappy, you might feel pain in the groin area and even in the knee.

Knowing how these muscles work and why they’re essential, especially when moving around comfortably is important. If you’ve ever had issues with these muscles, you know it can be a real pain, literally! Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone just looking to move without discomfort, understanding these muscles and how to care for them is critical. So, let’s dive in and explore some best practices and treatments to keep our legs happy and healthy!


Adductor Longus &  Adductor Brevis

ALT= anatomy of the lower body, the gracilis muscles, pain in inner thigh near groin

The Adductor Longus and Adductor Brevis are crucial muscles in our inner thigh, playing a significant role in our daily movements. The Adductor Longus, often the usual suspect in cases of groin pain, is particularly active during activities like walking or running, kicking into action at the time of toe-off. It’s like the muscle’s way of helping us propel forward! If you’ve ever felt pain in this area after a run or some intense exercise, it might be due to tightness in these muscles, especially if there are trigger points, causing discomfort both towards the pelvis and the knee joint, and sometimes, even extending down the lower leg.

This pain can be particularly noticeable with sudden twists of the hip, a common scenario in various sports and physical activities. Apart from muscle discomfort, inner thigh ligament pain can also be a concern for many individuals. Acute adductor longus injuries require immediate attention and can be a result of sudden, forceful movements.  Understanding the nuances of these muscles and how they operate can be key in managing and preventing discomfort in these areas.

ALT= groin muscle, groin muscles

Adductor Magnus

The adductor magnus muscle, a substantial component of the adductor muscle group, is situated in the medial aspect of the thigh. It’s the muscle above the groin. It’s a long muscle that plays a crucial role in hip adduction and medial rotation of the leg. When discussing trigger points in this muscle, they are often perceived as deeply located, giving a sensation as if originating within the pelvis. The resultant pain can be quite intense, akin to a firecracker shooting up into the pelvis, especially noticeable during activities such as walking, jogging, ascending stairs, and horse riding, where the muscle activates at the time of heel strike.

This muscle’s discomfort is often described as being “deep inside” the pelvis. It can be particularly prominent during specific activities and positions, even causing difficulty positioning the leg while sleeping. To alleviate such discomfort, laying on one’s side with a pillow between the legs is often recommended. The adductor magnus receives its arterial supply from a branch of the deep femoral artery, ensuring optimal blood flow to meet the muscle’s

metabolic demands.

While discussing this muscle, it’s essential to consider its role in various movements of the leg and its association with other muscles like the sartorius and pectineus muscles. It’s crucial to be mindful of any medical conditions or neurological conditions affecting this muscle, as they can significantly impact the working of basic functionalities of the leg. Any strain or impairment in this muscle, such as a gracilis muscle strain, necessitates careful attention and appropriate management to prevent complications like ACL injury and to maintain the integrity of the medial thigh muscle structures. Balancing between maintaining privacy and acquiring necessary personal information is crucial for medical professionals and personal trainers dealing with such conditions, ensuring optimal care and recovery.


The gracilis muscle, a slender and thin muscle, is prominently located in the medial compartment of the thigh, serving as the most superficial muscle among the hip adductors. Originating from the inferior ramus of the pubis and the

ALT= gracilis muscles, pulled inner thigh musclesischiopubic ramus, near the pubic symphysis, it extends to the pes anserinus on the medial tibia, where it shares the attachment site with the sartorius and semitendinosus, members of the hamstring muscles group.

This muscle is pivotal for thigh adduction and knee flexion, playing an important role in activities such as horse riding. It receives its blood supply primarily from the medial circumflex femoral artery and the obturator artery, branches of the deep femoral artery, ensuring optimal vascular supply. The anterior branch of the obturator nerve, part of the lumbar plexus, provides the necessary neurological impulses for its function.

Experiencing a hot, stinging pain along the medial side of the thigh could be indicative of trigger points in the gracilis muscle. These trigger points often result from activities that involve sudden movements, such as jumping for a volleyball spike. Strain in this muscle, especially near the pubic bone, can cause significant discomfort, commonly observed in sports like ice hockey and soccer. People often report experiencing gracilis muscle cramps at night, which can indicate overuse or strain during the day.

The gracilis tendon, a rounded structure, is crucial for the muscle’s function in leg movements and is sometimes utilized in reconstructive surgery for facial reanimation in cases of facial paralysis, using a myocutaneous flap from this muscle. Medical professionals and physical therapists emphasize the importance of maintaining the health and strength of the gracilis due to its significant role in lower extremity movements and its proximity to vital blood vessels. Any impairment in the gracilis muscle due to neurological or vascular conditions necessitates immediate medical attention to ensure the proper working of the basic functionalities of the muscle in leg movements and stability.

What are the causes of groin and gracilis muscle pain?

One of the most common causes of groin pain is a sudden overload in the muscle, such as slipping on the ice and resisting the spread of the legs while trying to get balance. Arthritis in the hip joint can also activate these trigger points, such as horseback riding, skiing, or long bike rides. You will typically remember one event that happened to cause the tight muscle in the groin area. The trpts and adductor soreness will persist if you run up and down hills or sit in a car or chair for a long time. Groin pulls are a common injury among professional athletes.

Other contributing causes of inner thigh pain:

Groin Pain. When the muscle in the groin region is stretched or ripped, it can cause sharp pain. Sudden alterations in direction can contribute to a stress-induced pulled groin muscle. The muscle can likewise be put under strain while making a kicking movement.

Sports Hernia. Engaging in a physical activity that involves unexpected shifts in direction can result in the development of a sports hernia, otherwise known as an inguinal hernia. This medical condition comprises damage or ruptures to muscle fibers, tendons, and ligaments in the vicinity of the groin.

Pinched Nerve. If a nerve is compressed in your lower back, it has the ability to generate discomfort along the interior of your leg. Moreover, it is feasible to encounter a compressed nerve in your groin area.

Pes anserine bursitis. Bursitis may occur if there is inflammation in the pes anserine bursa caused by excessive usage or strain. The bursal sac is between the gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus muscles.

Muscle spasms. Muscle spasms are another factor that can lead to pain in the gracilis. A gracilis muscle spasm often occurs due to excessive use of the muscle or as a result of dehydration and muscular exhaustion.

Neurological issues. There are certain neurological disorders that have the potential to trigger spasms in the gracilis muscle, which may result in discomfort. Moreover, the condition of multiple sclerosis (MS) is often associated with rigidity in the muscles, particularly in the pelvic area, as cited by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America.

Osteitis pubis. Osteitis pubis, also recognized as gracilis syndrome, is an inflammation that arises in the joint connecting the left and right pelvic bones and its adjacent areas, leading to discomfort in the groin area. Although infrequent, studies suggest that different urological procedures and medical interventions can result in osteitis pubis.

Muscle Tear. Muscle tears, especially in the groin area, can result from sudden overexertion or accidents.

Groin Strain. Groin strains are not only common among professional athletes but can also affect individuals who engage in rigorous physical activities without a proper warm-up.

How to get rid of groin muscle strain painALT= muscles of the inner thigh gracilis muscle

To find adductor strain and gracilis muscle pain relief, you must avoid leaving the muscle in a shortened position. Sleep with a pillow between your knees and avoid excessive hip flexion (drawing the knees towards the chest). Avoid crossing your legs.

Use cruise control on long auto trips. As outlined in the videos below, do gentle stretching and range of motion exercises, like the butterfly stretch. Doing the stretches in a warm swimming pool will be even more helpful.

It is essential to correct muscle weakness to avoid problems with your adductor and gracilis muscles. Some of the best gracilis muscle exercises to build muscle strength are:

  • Standing Hip Abduction with Resistance Bands
  • Ball squeezes (legs bent to legs straight)
  • Lunges
  • Side Lunges
  • Sumo Squats
  • Lying Leg Adduction

To help recover from current muscle strains or prevent future groin injuries, a visit to a physical therapist or similar health care provider is a good idea.


In conclusion, groin pain can be caused by various factors, including severe injuries, strains, and overuse. One of the most common culprits is the gracilis muscle, which can become strained during activities like running, jumping, or changing direction quickly.

Luckily, several ways exist to alleviate gracilis pain and prevent it from recurring. The treatment program includes gentle stretches, foam rolling, and strengthening exercises targeted at the affected area. Massage therapy, especially in conjunction with physical therapy, can provide targeted relief and help speed up the healing process.

If you’re experiencing groin pain, don’t let it hold you back from your favorite activities. Contact Body Ache Escape to schedule a massage with one of our skilled therapists. Our team has the knowledge and expertise to provide customized treatment that targets your needs and helps get you back to feeling your best. Don’t wait – book your appointment today and start feeling better!

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A: Pain in the gracilis muscle can be caused by a strain or injury, overuse, or tightness in the muscle due to lack of stretching or proper conditioning.

A: If you are experiencing pain or muscle spasms in the groin area, especially during activities that involve the adductor muscles, you may have a gracilis injury.

A: The gracilis muscle is located in the inner thigh and plays a role in adducting the thigh, flexing the knee, and assisting in the rotation of the leg.

A: Exercises such as lunges, squats, leg presses, and more focused exercises like side lunges can help target and strengthen the gracilis muscle.

A: The piriformis stretch, groin stretch, and hip flexor stretches are effective in stretching and relieving tightness in the gracilis muscle.

A: Treatment options for gracilis pain may include rest, ice therapy, gentle stretching, and strengthening exercises, as well as seeking professional medical advice for severe or persistent pain.

A: The sartorius muscle is another important muscle in the thigh that runs alongside the gracilis and can often contribute to or be affected by gracilis pain or injury.

A: Pain in the groin or thigh due to a pinched or strained gracilis muscle can be caused by sudden movements, overexertion, or improper warm-up before physical activity.

A: Yes, tight hip flexor muscles can impact the posture and movement of the pelvis, potentially leading to increased strain or tightness in the gracilis muscle.

A: Exercises and stretches that involve flexion and internal rotation of the thigh, as well as movements that engage the inside of the leg, can effectively target and support the gracilis muscle.