How to Battle Back Pain in The BedroomIf you’ve ever experienced it, you’ll sympathize with the fact that back pain has the potential to be among the most debilitating of issues that you can come across.

To ensure you can effectively protect your sleep from interference, here are some useful tips on how to safeguard sleep and back pain in the bedroom.


Top Tips To Eliminate Bedroom Pain

Stay hydrated

A simple yet effective way to maintain the functioning of not only your back but your entire body is to ensure that you drink at least two liters of water daily.

Are you the correct body weight?

If you are overweight, this can be a catalyst that sets off back issues due to the fact that there is an unwanted and avoidable strain on your back and can contribute towards ensuing, ongoing pain in your back.

Check your bedroom furniture.

It is paramount that you are sleeping on a mattress that provides your back with the support it requires and deserves.

Get the right amount of sleep

Whether you have the right mattress and pillows, it’s crucial that you get the optimum amount of sleep on a regular basis. Sleep doctors and other medical professionals advise the average adult to get between seven and nine hours of slumber each night. [21 Tips for Great Sleep]


We touched on pillows earlier, and they don’t just have to be used to support your neck and head. A pillow is often recommended to be placed under your knees when lying on your back or on your side to help support natural bodily positions and avoid strain.

Remain as active as possible.

Becoming sedentary will only contribute to a reduction in your overall health and can weaken your back muscles in the process. You can help to avoid this by merely doing half an hour of aerobic exercise a day, as recommended by health experts.


Regardless of age, how you get in and out of bed should be considered. Doing so carefully will help to avoid injury or worsening of an underlying/ongoing issue.

Still smoking?

Smoking diminishes the oxygen levels found in spinal tissues, consequently causing a weakening of those tissues.

In wrapping up our discussion on battling back pain in the bedroom, remember that simple adjustments can profoundly impact your comfort and overall health. From staying hydrated to ensuring your bedroom furniture supports your back, these steps are crucial for a pain-free night’s sleep. If back pain continues to trouble you, consider scheduling a massage at Body Ache Escape. Our expert therapists are here to help relieve your discomfort and improve your quality of life. Don’t wait for relief—schedule your massage today!