7 Practical Ways To Make Your Work Routine Healthier

This time of year can be tough at the office, or even at home if you work remotely. The seasons are changing and those summer Fridays (and summer days in general) are soon to be long gone.

All that being said, we’ve often heard that September is the “other New Year.” Kids are going back to school, leaves will start to fall, and it always feels like the beginning of something new.

Below, are seven tips for how to make your work environment healthy for a fresh start this fall.

7 Practical Ways To Make Your Work Routine Healthier

1. Get serious about your office plants.

Greenery and nature have been shown over and over again to be mood-boosting, and it turns out that plants can actually help filter your air, leading to a healthier work routine. Revamp your office space with these 10 hardy indoor plants anyone can grow, and learn which succulents are the best office-mates (and which you shouldn’t even bother with). My favorite house plant is the super low-maintenance Snake Plant.

2. Revamp your work-from-home schedule.

More and more people are working from home, but that doesn’t mean they’re doing it in the healthiest (or most productive) way. You can start by completely shutting down your work computer by 7 PM every night, and setting a definite schedule for yourself every morning when you wake up—and for a big productivity boost. Change out of those PJs first thing in the morning, and into some more can-do clothes. We know…they’re comfy.

3. Start a daily exercise commitment.

September might be an even better time than January to start a new exercise routine, and to make it simple and work-friendly (Plus, the outdoors are certainly more accommodating this time of year.) Try starting with a simple commitment to walk a mile every day at lunch, and see where it takes you. You can mark each day you walk off on your calendar to give yourself some accountability.

4. Make time for a morning meditation.

Meditation has been increasingly recognized as a huge mood booster, and taking a few minutes off from work each morning to meditate can actually increase your productivity, rather than decrease it. Starting this month, set a reminder on your calendar every morning (you can choose what time is best for you) as a five to 10-minute “meditation meeting.” (To get you started, here are meditations you can do at your desk.) It’s just as important to meet with yourself and practice self-care as it is to pop into every other meeting on your calendar—make a mental switch to treat it as such.

5. Introduce some aromatherapy into your office.


This office health hack couldn’t be simpler. You can either check out some organic roll-on essential oils, or buy an eco-friendly essential oil diffuser, and voila! Brand new vibe in your office. Not sure where to start? Here are 5 versatile essential oils you should own, and 5 you can skip. It’s never been easier to get a quick, healthy mood boost, and delight your coworkers with the pleasant smells wafting out of your office making it a healthier work routine for everyone (instead of the smell of that meal you prepped, which was delicious while it happened.)

6. Actually start meal prepping for the week.

We know you have good intentions every week when you say you’re going to meal prep on Sunday, but how about actually doing it for a month? Make the commitment for the next four weeks and see what happens. Odds are you’ll feel good about cooking healthy, homemade food for yourself—and saving money. We’ve made it super easy for you: Here are 9 ways to meal prep like a pro.

7. Start a monthly team happy hour or event.

A feeling of camaraderie among team members typically leads to a big boost in workplace engagement, happiness, and productivity. As busy as the days can be, it’s a great idea to try to make time to socialize together outside of the office occasionally. The best way to do this is just to send an invite to a mutually interesting event (whether that’s happy hour, a group hike or yoga, or checking out a local athletic event), with the understanding that not everyone will be able to come to most (or sometimes even any) of the events.

Just the effort can make a big difference. If you work from home, make an effort to meet up with team members occasionally to stay in the loop, and make lunch and work dates with friends or colleagues—or look into occasionally renting a co-working space to meet some office pals there.