The Powerful Immune-Boosting Benefits of Elderberry
Looking for a natural remedy that has a very long history of medicinal use? There’s evidence that the elderberry may have been cultivated by prehistoric man. There are also recipes for elderberry-based medications dating back to Ancient Egypt.
Health benefits of the elder plant include naturally improving colds, the flu, sinus issues, nerve pain, inflammation, chronic fatigue, allergies, constipation and even cancer. When used within the first 48 hours of onset of symptoms, the extract has actually been found to reduce the duration of the flu with symptoms being relieved on an average of four days earlier. During the 1995 Panama flu epidemic, the government actually employed the use of the elderberry to fight the flu.
9 Elderberry Benefits for Immunity + Heart Health
Major Cold and Flu Relief
The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known to have immunostimulant effects.
Sinus Infection Aid
With elderberry’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it makes sense that it can help sinus issues.
Lower Blood Sugar
Both the elder flower and the berry have traditionally been used to treat diabetes.
Natural Diuretic
Elder has been shown to promote both urination and bowel moments.
Natural Laxative
Elderberry may also help with constipation. A small, randomized trial looked at a compound commonly used in Brazil to treat constipation.
Encourage Healthy Skin
Elderberry has made its way into cosmetic products, and for good reason. Its bioflavonoids and antioxidants, along with its high vitamin A content, make it awesome for skin health.
Ease Allergies
The flowers of the elder plant are known to be an effective herbal allergy remedy.
May Improve Heart Health
Although the studies in this field have found mixed results, there is research suggesting that elderberry extract may improve cardiovascular health.
To learn more on how Elderberry could help you follow the link below.
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