Which Would You Choose? Physical Therapy or Painkillers?

If you would try just about anything before taking prescription opioids to treat physical pain , you’re not alone. According to a new report , most Americans would rather use a drug-free approach. In a study from nearly 6,300 adults, 78 percent of participants prefer alternative options to treat pain  than taking prescription meds. prefer physical therapy to painkillers

One reason for that? Reportedly , 44 percent of Americans view commonly prescribed narcotics as a “crisis” or “very serious problem. AKA not something they want to get caught up in. “These developments could be a sign of a future where patients and health-care professionals alike are trying

do you prefer physical fitness to painkillersdrug-free treatment options before relying on opioids.”

“While public perceptions of options for drug-free pain management vary, these findings suggest that Americans are are aware of the dangers associated with opioid misuse and are open to drug-free alternatives for pain management,” writes the study authors, according to Time. “These developments could be a sign of a future where patients and health-care professionals alike are trying drug-free treatment options before relying on opioids.”

Alternative Pain Treatments

Instead of using pain meds, 68 percent of the participants went with physical therapy as the safest option for treating physical pain, and chiropractic care came in second at 33 percent. It’s clear that when it comes to treatment, patients prefer to literally put their health in the hands of professionals. So then they can skip out on prescriptions altogether.

Americans are turning more and more to physical therapy as a way to manage pain. In fact, the number of people who use physical therapy has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. If you’re looking for an alternative to painkillers, or if you just want to relax and relieve some tension, call us today to schedule your next massage. We offer a variety of services that can help you feel better fast.