Optimize your massage experience

How to Get a Great Massage Tip #1

Get to your massage early!

If you are a repeat customer, get to your massage about 5 minutes early. That will give you enough time to go to the bathroom and get ready in the room. If you happen to get here much earlier, turn on your favorite music in your car and take a few cleansing breaths to help get you in the relaxation zone. As a new client, give yourself more time to make sure you find the office and can fill out the paperwork before the time of your massage is scheduled to start.

Get a Great Massage Tip #2

Breathe Deep

When you first get onto the table until your therapist comes back into the room, take deep cleansing breaths. Inhale the breath into the stomach, lungs, all the way under the collarbone. When you exhale, relax…sinking into the table more each time. Think only about the breath, trying to clear your mind.

How to Get a Great Massage Tip #3

Keep open communication with us.

Need an extra pillow….tell us

Too hot or too cold….tell us

Want more pressure?…tell us

Don’t like the music….tell us

Want the face rest adjusted…let us know!

We are sometimes psychic, but not always! Let us know what you need so your massage can be excellent!

Tip #4 on How to Get a Great Massage

To Talk or Not to Talk…that is the question.

Some people feel like talking will help them relax. If that’s you, talk away. If you don’t want to talk, that’s okay, too. Some cues we take that you don’t want to talk are: “Don’t be surprised if I fall asleep,” “I’m so tired today,” or “I’d love to just relax today.” [Here’s more on tip #4]

Tip #5 on how to get a great massage

Try not to help us.

Sometimes people think that lifting the body part we’re working on will help us. Well sometimes it does, but it makes your massage not as good. More often it makes it harder for us to do what we want to do. So if we’re moving your neck or leg or arm to do stretches, just relax and let us do it. The only time you should move your own body is if we ask you too.

Tip #6 on How to Get a Great Massage

Just Relax.

When we stop and push on a sore spot or “knot“, relax! I know, I know…its hard to relax when we’re pushing on a spot that hurts, but if you relax more with every breath that soreness will go away.
Another tip is to relax your body all around the spot; eventually, that spot will relax too.
A muscle is made up of a bunch of fibers. The knot that you feel is some of those fibers that have stayed contracted. Pushing on the knot helps it to stretch out so that it relaxes back with the rest of the muscle.

How to Get a Great Massage Tip #7

Get Regular Massage

Massage is a form of detoxifying the body. When the muscles tense up, they draw toxins to it (lactic acid, uric acid, etc.). Massage helps get rid of these toxins. However, this process can create what’s called a healing crisis. This is when the body is so full of toxins that it creates side effects the next day or two days. The side effects can range from nausea to diarrhea, headache, or fatigue. These will be temporary.

The side effects will not continue once you get on a regular massage schedule. Once a month is a good schedule to prevent the toxins from building up
to such an extreme level. I personally try to get a massage every 2-3 weeks.

Tip #8-

Stay Hydrated!

I talked in a previous tip on how massage releases toxins. Ensuring you drink the proper amount of water helps flush all those toxins out of the body to prevent the healing crisis. One more thing: Make sure you stay hydrated with water, not caffeine. Caffeine before your massage will prevent you from being able to relax fully.

If you follow all of these tips, you will have the best massage of your life! Schedule now!


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