Perpetuating Factors

Perpetuating factors are the behaviors, mechanics and other things that create chronic pain.

What Is Morton’s Toe Syndrome? Causes & Treatment

2024-03-04T20:51:54-05:00November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Educational, Health Tips, Perpetuating Factors, Self Help|Tags: , , , |

Have you ever noticed that your second toe appears longer than your big toe, or perhaps someone you know has this unique foot shape? This characteristic feature is more than just a peculiar trait; it's a structural difference in

Pinched Nerve vs Pulled Muscle? The Truth Behind Your Pain

2023-12-17T20:52:17-05:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Educational, Perpetuating Factors|

Have you ever felt a strange pain in your body and wondered if it was because of a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle? It can be really confusing because these two things can make you hurt in similar ways.

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Is Teeth Grinding Giving You Unexplained Neck Pain? Discover the Surprising Connection!

2025-02-12T12:44:28-05:00July 8th, 2023|Categories: Health Tips, Perpetuating Factors, Self Help, Uncategorized|

Is Teeth Grinding Giving You Unexplained Neck Pain? Discover the Surprising Connection! Are you waking up with persistent neck pain that seems to have no apparent cause? Brace yourself for a revelation that might leave you astonished!

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Different Leg Lengths

2019-02-17T22:11:33-05:00February 18th, 2019|Categories: Educational, Perpetuating Factors|Tags: , , |

Perpetuating Factors Different Leg Lengths There are several types of perpetuating factors that cause chronic pain: Mechanical stresses, Nutritional inadequacies, Metabolic inadequacies, Psychological factors and others. Mechanical stresses are structural issues that can create pain such as different leg lengths,

The Role of the Q Angle in Anterior Knee Pain

2022-09-30T23:02:15-04:00January 4th, 2018|Categories: Perpetuating Factors|Tags: , |

The Role of the Q Angle in Anterior Knee Pain Postural distortions can lead to numerous soft-tissue disorders. Clients with these postural challenges often look to the massage therapist to help with the pain or biomechanical challenges that result. In

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