A Deep Dive Into Muscles

Muscles are an important part of our daily lives. They help us to move, lift things and even breathe. There are three types in the human body – skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal muscles are those that we can see and feel. They attach to our bones and help us to move. Smooth muscles are found in our internal organs, such as the stomach and intestine. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart. All three types need oxygen and nutrients to stay strong and healthy.

Certain muscles can become injured due to overuse or trauma. This can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. To relieve pain in them, it is important to rest, apply ice to the area and take pain medication if necessary. You should also avoid activities that aggravate more injury. If the pain does not improve after a few days, it is important to see a doctor so that they can rule out any other potential causes of the pain.

How to Get Rid Of Mid Back Pain

Elbow and Deep Shoulder Joint Pain

How Massage Therapy Can Help with Chronic Bursitis

2024-07-04T22:28:14-04:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Muscles, Self Help|

DOES MASSAGE WORK FOR BURSITIS? A bursa is a small, flat fluid filled sac that reduces friction between tendons and bones. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, caused by overuse.

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The Possible Causes of Shoulder Blade Pain & How to Relieve It

2024-05-25T13:35:24-04:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: Muscles, Self Help|Tags: , |

Understanding Pain Between the Shoulder Blades Experiencing a deep, sharp or burning sensation between the shoulder blades is common. This type of pain, interscapular pain, may leave you wondering about its origins. Such discomfort in the shoulder

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Do you have deltoid muscle pain when typing or driving?

2024-05-19T12:33:23-04:00January 8th, 2024|Categories: Educational, Muscles|Tags: , |

DO YOU HAVE SHOULDER PAIN WHEN TYPINGTHE DELTOID MUSCLE Have you been feeling any discomfort or tenderness around your shoulder? This may be due to a strain or injury in your deltoid muscle, which sits right at the top

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The 9 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers

2024-03-08T12:52:32-05:00October 28th, 2023|Categories: Fit & Fabulous Over 50, Health Tips, Muscles|

Best Natural Muscle Relaxers For Pain Relief Welcome to a world where muscle relaxation meets nature's embrace. In our quest for relief from the tight grip of muscle cramps and the nagging ache of sore muscles,

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The Psoas Muscle: Unlocking the Secrets to Back Pain Relief

2024-07-25T12:27:11-04:00October 16th, 2023|Categories: Muscles, Self Help|Tags: , , |

The Psoas Muscle: Unlocking the Secrets to Back Pain Relief The psoas muscle, often overlooked in discussions about back pain, plays a pivotal role in the health of our spine and lower back. This unassuming muscle, buried deep within

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Are you trapped in pain? | Shoulder and Trapezius Pain Relief

2024-03-04T21:06:19-05:00September 21st, 2023|Categories: Educational, Muscles|Tags: , , |

Trapped in Pain? The Trapezius Muscle   The trapezius muscle is the muscle that most commonly has trigger points and tension in it. Trigger points in the upper trapezius can cause tension headaches, neck aches, and even toothaches. When someone has

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Groin Pain | Gracilis Muscle Pain | Adductors | Inner Thigh Muscles

2024-05-17T22:39:27-04:00August 5th, 2023|Categories: Educational, Muscles, Self Help|Tags: , , , |

How To Relieve Groin Pain & Strain- Best Treatments We’re talking about groin muscles today, specifically the adductor muscles in our inner thighs. These include the adductor longus, brevis, magnus, and the gracilis muscle. These muscles help us move,

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How To Stop Mid-Back Pain When You Sleep – Latissimus Dorsi Pain Relief

2024-05-06T00:09:38-04:00June 5th, 2023|Categories: Muscles, Self Help|Tags: , , |

The Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Middle Back Pain- The latissimus dorsi muscle or "lat" is the largest muscle in the mid back. The lat helps the arms move and gives the back strength. The latissimus is frequently the cause of

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Frozen Shoulder – The Subscapularis

2024-05-19T14:08:33-04:00May 24th, 2023|Categories: Educational, Muscles, Self Help|Tags: , , , |

The Subscapularis Muscle Frozen Shoulder Have you ever experienced pain so bad in your shoulder joint that you couldn't move it? It got progressively worse until it was considered "frozen shoulder"

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